Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Day One

     Hello, everyone! My name is Kim Pham. I am a Vietnamese seventeen year old girl who has lived in America for her entire life, but loves to explore other countries around the world, especially their different cultures. I find it very exciting and enjoyable to learn, or even better, experience their lifestyles and culture, such as food, fashion, etiquette, festivals, and music.
     As of right now, I am at the Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston, Texas, U.S.A., waiting on my flight to Manila, Philippines. My family and I have been looking forward to this family vacation for quite some time now, because we have always wanted to explore other culture, but we only know of one Asian culture... our own (Vietnamese). We don't have any family in Philippines, but we figured that we can survive by talking to bilingual Filipino tourist guides and staying at a family resort for foreigners.
     Well, I have to go; our plane is loading the passengers! I will post soon!

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